Marking a milestone

Hello and welcome to the section celebrating TFWA's 40th anniversary. This is where we look at how TFWA has changed over the last 40 years via the events, services and resources it offers members and the wider industry. All with the aim of serving travellers better. And with an eye on the future, we also ask what the next 40 years have in store. Feel free to explore the material, which comes from the current campaign on social media, under the four headings below. We'll keep updating it, so be sure to come back.

Memories of the past, important events and key initiatives that illustrate how TFWA has evolved in supporting its members since 1984.

Check out those landmark moments here

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40 years of

How does the Association serve those who serve travellers? What does TFWA’s goal of providing a platform for industry growth really mean?

Look hereto learn more.

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TFWA members share their thoughts on how best to support duty free & travel retail, helping to shape it for the challenges ahead. 


View the videos here

If the past 40 years have brought change, the next 40 could be transformative.


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Discover herehow industry and association leaders think the future could look for DF&TR.